Genuary 2023.18: Definitely not a grid


18) Definitely not a grid

Good artists borrow, great artists steal.

– Pablo Picasso (maybe)

Copy Genuary 2023.17: A grid inside a grid inside a grid; apply a bunch of translations and rotations.

Definitely not a grid any more. 😄

let gui;
let params = {
  N: 2,
  NMin: 2,
  NMax: 8,
  minSize: 4,
  minSizeMin: 1,
  minSizeMax: 85,
  fillChance: 0.75,
  fillChanceMin: 0.01,
  fillChanceMax: 0.99,
  fillChanceStep: 0.01,
  breadthFirst: true,
  colorBorder: false,
  colorFill: true,
  updatesPerFrame: 10,
  updatesPerFrameMin: 1,
  updatesPerFrameMax: 100,
  maxTranslation: 10,
  maxTranslationMin: 1,
  maxTranslationMax: 100,
  maxRotationDeg: 10,
  maxRotationDegMin: 1,
  maxRotationDegMax: 360,
let lastParams;

let queue;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  colorMode(HSL, 100);
  queue = [{x: -200, y: -200, w: 200, h: 200}];
  translate(200, 200);
  gui = createGuiPanel('params');
  gui.setPosition(420, 0);

function draw() {
  if (lastParams != JSON.stringify(params)) {
    queue = [{x: 0, y: 0, w: 400, h: 400}];
    lastParams = JSON.stringify(params);
  for (let i = 0; i < params.updatesPerFrame; i++) {
    if (queue.length == 0) {

      2 * params.maxTranslation * random() - params.maxTranslation,
      2 * params.maxTranslation * random() - params.maxTranslation
    let rotate_deg = 2 * params.maxRotationDeg * random() - params.maxRotationDeg;
    rotate(TWO_PI * rotate_deg / 360.0);
    let {x, y, w, h} = params.breadthFirst ? queue.shift() : queue.pop();
    for (let nx = 0; nx < params.N; nx++) {
      for (let ny = 0; ny < params.N; ny++) {
        let subw = w / params.N;
        let subh = h / params.N;
        let subx = x + nx * subw;
        let suby = y + ny * subh;
        let black = [100, 100, 0, 100];
        let color = [random(100), 100, 75];
        stroke(params.colorBorder ? color : black);
        fill(params.colorFill ? color : black);
        if (!params.colorBorder && !params.colorFill) {

        rect(subx, suby, subw, subh);

        if (subw > params.minSize && subh > params.minSize && random() < params.fillChance)         {
          queue.push({x: subx, y: suby, w: subw, h: subh});