Spend a month making one beautiful thing per day, given a bunch of prompts. A month late, but as they say, ’the second best time is now'.
Let’s do it!
10) Generative music
Wikipedia: Generative music
NOTE: Because of limitations in JavaScript autoplaying sound, you must click to start.
NOTE: This currently doesn’t work in Safari. Something funny with the p5.sound addon. I’m working on it.
let gui;
let params = {
width: 32, widthMin: 4, widthMax: 64,
height: 4, heightMin: 1, heightMax: 8,
bpm: 140, bpmMin: 30, bpmMax: 280,
randomFill: 0.2, randomFillMin: 0.0, randomFillMax: 1.0, randomFillStep: 0.01,
const MAX_VALUE = 8;
const COLORS = [
const NOTES = [
class CellValues {
constructor() {
this.data = {};
get(x, y) {
if ([x, y] in this.data) {
return this.data[[x, y]];
} else {
return 0;
set(x, y, v) {
if ([x, y] in this.data && v == 0) {
delete this.data[[x, y]];
} else {
this.data[[x, y]] = v;
let cell_values;
let start_millis = 0;
let last_beat = -1;
let synth;
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
cell_values = new CellValues();
cell_values.set(3, 5, 1);
// Toggle squares
canvas.mousePressed(() => {
if (!synth) {
start_millis = millis();
synth = new p5.PolySynth();
let cx = parseInt(params.width * mouseX / width);
let cy = parseInt(params.height * mouseY / height);
let key = JSON.stringify([cx, cy]);
cell_values.get(cx, cy)
+ (mouseButton == LEFT ? 1 : -1)
gui = createGuiPanel('params');
gui.setPosition(420, 0);
let randomize = () => {
for (let cx = 0; cx < params.width; cx++) {
for (let cy = 0; cy < params.height; cy++) {
if (random() < params.randomFill) {
cell_values.set(cx, cy, parseInt(random() * MAX_VALUE));
} else {
cell_values.set(cx, cy, 0);
function draw() {
let elapsed_millis = 0;
let beat = -1;
if (synth) {
elapsed_millis = millis() - start_millis;
beat = parseInt(elapsed_millis / 1000.0 * params.bpm / 60.0);
let cell_width = width / params.width;
let cell_height = height / params.height;
// Update display
for (let cx = 0; cx < params.width; cx++) {
for (let cy = 0; cy < params.height; cy++) {
if (beat % params.width == cx) {
} else {
fill(COLORS[cell_values.get(cx, cy)]);
2 + cx * cell_width,
2 + cy * cell_height,
cell_width - 4,
cell_height - 4,
// Play music
if (synth) {
if (beat != last_beat) {
let cx = beat % params.width;
for (let cy = 0; cy < params.height; cy++) {
let cell_value = cell_values.get(cx, cy);
if (cell_value == 0) continue;
NOTES[cell_value - 1],
1.0, // velocity [0, 1]
0, // time start
60.0 / params.bpm - 0.05, // duration (seconds)
last_beat = beat;
Posts in Genuary 2023:
- Genuary 2023.01: Perfect loop
- Genuary 2023.02: Made in 10 minutes
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- Genuary 2023.10: Generative Music
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