Spend a month making one beautiful thing per day, given a bunch of prompts. A month late, but as they say, ’the second best time is now'.
Let’s do it!
7) Sample a color palette from your favorite movie/album cover
I’ll do more than that! I’ll sample the entire Matrix character scroll thing. Super parameterizable. Whee!
let params = {
letterCount: 10,
letterSize: 12, letterSizeMin: 1, letterSizeMax: 48,
letterSizeVariance: 0.0, letterSizeVarianceMin: 0.0, letterSizeVarianceMax: 1.0, letterSizeVarianceStep: 0.01,
speed: 0.5, speedMin: 0.1, speedMax: 4.0, speedStep: 0.01,
speedVariance: 0.0, speedVarianceMin: 0.0, speedVarianceMax: 10.0, speedVarianceStep: 0.01,
color: '#0fff00',
fadeRate: 0.1, fadeRateMin: 0, fadeRateMax: 0.3, fadeRateStep: 0.01,
characterSet: [
let letters;
let characterSets = [
['latin', 'A', 'Z'],
['cjk', '一', '龯'],
// ['cuneiform', '𒀀', '𒎙'],
['runic', 'ᚠ', 'ᛪ'],
['greek', 'α', 'ω'],
function randomChar(min, max) {
function randomLetter() {
for (let [name, min, max] of characterSets) {
if (params.characterSet == name) {
return String.fromCharCode(
max.charCodeAt(0) + 1
return '☹️';
class Letter {
constructor(c, x, s) {
this.x = x;
this.y = -1 * random(height);
this.c = c;
this.s = s + (
* (random() + 0.5)
* params.letterSizeVariance
this.sv = (random() - 0.5) * params.speedVariance;
update() {
this.y += (
this.s * params.speed
+ this.sv * params.speed
draw() {
text(this.c, this.x, this.y);
class Letters {
constructor() {
this.letters = [];
update() {
while (this.letters.length < params.letterCount) {
this.letters.push(new Letter(
for (let letter of this.letters) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.letters.length; i++) {
if (this.letters[i].y > height && random() > 0.95) {
this.letters.splice(i, 1);
draw() {
for (let letter of this.letters) {
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
params.characterSet = [];
for (let [name, min, max] of characterSets) {
gui = createGuiPanel('params');
gui.setPosition(420, 0);
letters = new Letters();
function draw() {
background(0, parseInt(255 * params.fadeRate));
Posts in Genuary 2023:
- Genuary 2023.01: Perfect loop
- Genuary 2023.02: Made in 10 minutes
- Genuary 2023.03: Glitch art
- Genuary 2023.04: Intersections
- Genuary 2023.05: Debug view
- Genuary 2023.06: Steal like an artist
- Genuary 2023.07: Sample a color palette
- Genuary 2023.08: Signed Distance Functions
- Genuary 2023.09: Plants
- Genuary 2023.10: Generative Music
- Genuary 2023.11: Suprematism
- Genuary 2023.12: Tessellation
- Genuary 2023.13: Something you've always wanted to learn
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- Genuary 2023.22: Shadows
- Genuary 2023.23: Moiré
- Genuary 2023.24: Textile
- Genuary 2023.25: Yayoi Kusama
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- Genuary 2023.30: Minimalism
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