Taking a quick side trip to another line of comics as things mix a bit. It’s kind of bonkers how in the world you’re supposed to keep track of everything with all of these crossovers. Which I suppose is the idea.
Timey whimey madness ensues, we get a Back to the Future moment, the X-Men go home… who are we kidding. Of course things go weirder.
Worth tracking down. Worth reading.
Man that was a ride.
A few pages that stuck out (minor spoilers):
That’s a wonderful introduction/catch up frame.
More X-Men! Oh my stars and garters.
Best part? That’s totally Deadpool.
Also, S.H.I.E.L.D. gets involved:
That’s not foreshadowing… is it? At this point who even knows.
I can’t not hear Ryan Reynolds. And… I’m okay with that.
I do love these interludes.