AoC 2022 Day 23: Elf Scattinator

Source: Unstable Diffusion

Part 1

Implement a cellular automaton with the following rules:

  • If you have no neighbors, don’t move (important, I forgot this one for a while)
  • Otherwise:
    • Calculate a potential move:
      • If you have no neighbors to the north, move north
      • If not, check likewise for south, then west, than east
    • If no other agent is moving to the same space, move to your potential move
    • Otherwise, don’t move
  • On each frame, rotate the order the directions are checked in (NSWE, SWEN, WENS, ENSW, NSWE, …)
  1. I love the title. Stable Diffusion, yo.
  2. Scattinator is kind of a crappy title… 😄

In any case, first: simple parsing:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Elves {
    locations: HashMap<Point, usize>,

impl From<&Path> for Elves {
    fn from(filename: &Path) -> Self {
        let mut points = HashMap::new();

        for (y, line) in iter_lines(filename).enumerate() {
            for (x, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
                if c == '#' {
                    points.insert(Point::new(x as isize, y as isize), 0);

        Elves { locations: points }

I’m not sure why I haven’t implemented From<&Path> before. It makes sense.

I’m keeping track of the location (Point) and an age (usize). This isn’t needed at all for the problem, but I’m going to use it for rendering later.

To handle rotating the Directions, movement in a Direction, and where to check for a Direction (I expect you can guess):

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Direction {

impl Direction {
    fn proposal(round: usize, check: usize) -> Self {
        match (round + check) % 4 {
            0 => Direction::North,
            1 => Direction::South,
            2 => Direction::West,
            3 => Direction::East,
            _ => panic!("something weird happened"),

    fn delta(self) -> Point {
        match self {
            Direction::North => Point::new(0, -1),
            Direction::South => Point::new(0, 1),
            Direction::West => Point::new(-1, 0),
            Direction::East => Point::new(1, 0),

    fn check(self) -> [Point; 3] {
        match self {
            Direction::North => [Point::new(-1, -1), Point::new(0, -1), Point::new(1, -1)],
            Direction::South => [Point::new(-1, 1), Point::new(0, 1), Point::new(1, 1)],
            Direction::West => [Point::new(-1, -1), Point::new(-1, 0), Point::new(-1, 1)],
            Direction::East => [Point::new(1, -1), Point::new(1, 0), Point::new(1, 1)],

It’s a pit the match checker can’t figure out that 0, 1, 2, 3 are the only possible cases with % 4, but it’s not a problem to put a _ case in. I also wish that West and East had 5 letters for some reason… 😄

Other than that, just implement the step function:

impl Elves {
    fn step(&mut self, round: usize) -> bool {
        // First, calculate an updated set of points
        let mut moves = Vec::new();

        'next_elf: for (elf, _) in self.locations.iter() {
            // If an elf doesn't have any neighbors, don't move
            // This is important, I forgot it and got really confused
            // Counts self, so neighbors will always >= 1
            let mut neighbors = 0;
            for xd in -1..=1 {
                for yd in -1..=1 {
                    if self.locations.contains_key(&(*elf + Point::new(xd, yd))) {
                        neighbors += 1;
            if neighbors == 1 {
                moves.push((*elf, *elf));
                continue 'next_elf;

            // Try to move each direction until we find an empty on
            for check in 0..4 {
                let direction = Direction::proposal(round, check);

                // All three checks in this direction must be empty
                if direction
                    .any(|p| self.locations.contains_key(&(*elf + *p)))

                moves.push((*elf, *elf +;
                continue 'next_elf;

            // If we make it this far, add a self move to avoid collisions with elves that can't move
            moves.push((*elf, *elf));

        // Second, remove any duplicates
        let dedup_moves = moves
            .filter(|(p1, p2)| !moves.iter().any(|(q1, q2)| p1 != q1 && p2 == q2))

        self.locations.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, v)| *v += 1);

        // Perform the moves
        let mut changed = false;
        for (src, dst) in dedup_moves.iter() {
            if src != dst {
                self.locations.insert(*dst, 1);
                changed = true;


Basically, implement the algorithm above. moves stores the source and destination point for each agent/elf, including the ones that don’t move (otherwise we’ll have collisions if one wants to move and the other can’t). After that, dedup the moves (we can’t just convert to a HashSet and back as I might in Python because of the ages, but this is just about as quick), and perform the moves. When we move, reset the ages, otherwise increment them by one.

Wrap it up and off we go:

fn part1(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let mut elves = Elves::from(filename);

    for frame in 0..10 {

    let [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y] = elves.bounds();

    (((max_x - min_x + 1) * (max_y - min_y + 1)) as usize - elves.locations.len()).to_string()

We do need to calculate the bounds for the simulation in order to get the score we’re requested:

impl Elves {
    fn bounds(&self) -> [isize; 4] {
        let mut min_x = isize::MAX;
        let mut max_x = isize::MIN;
        let mut min_y = isize::MAX;
        let mut max_y = isize::MIN;

        for (p, _) in self.locations.iter() {
            min_x = min_x.min(p.x);
            max_x = max_x.max(p.x);
            min_y = min_y.min(p.y);
            max_y = max_y.max(p.y);

        [min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y]

Why a [isize; 4] instead of (isize, isize, isize, isize)? I’m … not sure. It’s quicker to type? I expect they optimize to the same thing or at least something similar.

Part 2

Determine how many frames pass until the simulation stabilizes (stops changing).

Because they don’t move if there are no neighbors, this makes sense. So let’s just implement that:

fn part2(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let mut elves = Elves::from(filename);

    let mut final_frame = 0;
    for frame in 0.. {
        let changed = elves.step(frame);
        if !changed {
            final_frame = frame + 1;


I already returned if the Elves changed, so that’s really it. Using that age data, we can at least make a pretty picture though:



$ ./target/release/23-elf-scattinator 1 data/23.txt

took 72.661ms

$ ./target/release/23-elf-scattinator 2 data/23.txt

took 8.247633833s

That certainly took a bit longer. But still only a few second. Onwards!