AoC 2022 Day 14: Sandinator

Source: Regolith Reservoir

Part 1

Given a series of walls as input, run a falling sand simulation until any new sand falls of the map. Count how many grains of sand we end up with.

Oh, how I love falling sand.

First, the struct we’re going to use to represent our current simulation:

struct Sandbox {
    active_sand: HashSet<Point>,
    settled_sand: HashSet<Point>,
    walls: HashSet<Point>,

    min_x: isize,
    max_x: isize,
    min_y: isize,
    max_y: isize,

The (min|max)-(x|y) are entirely for display purposes. Otherwise, walls are static pieces that stop the sand, active_sand is still falling, and settled_sand is not.

The original problem states:

Sand is produced one unit at a time, and the next unit of sand is not produced until the previous unit of sand comes to rest. A unit of sand is large enough to fill one tile of air in your scan.

But I had a feeling that wasn’t going to be strictly necessary. So I made it possible for more than one grain to fall at a time. We’ll come back to that.

Before that, parsing:

impl<I> From<&mut I> for Sandbox
    I: Iterator<Item = String>,
    fn from(iter: &mut I) -> Self {
        let mut walls = HashSet::new();
        let mut min_x = isize::MAX;
        let mut max_x = isize::MIN;
        let mut min_y = isize::MAX;
        let mut max_y = isize::MIN;

        for line in iter {
            let mut p = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
            let mut first = true;

            for part in line.split(" -> ") {
                let mut xy = part.split(",");
                let new_p = Point {
                    x: xy
                        .expect("must have x")
                        .expect("x must be numeric"),
                    y: xy
                        .expect("must have x")
                        .expect("y must be numeric"),

                if !first {
                    let delta = Point {
                        x: (new_p.x - p.x).signum(),
                        y: (new_p.y - p.y).signum(),

                    // Rather than while p != new_p, do this to get both edge cases
                    let mut done = false;
                    loop {
                        min_x = isize::min(min_x, p.x - 1);
                        max_x = isize::max(max_x, p.x + 1);
                        min_y = isize::min(min_y, p.y - 1);
                        max_y = isize::max(max_y, p.y + 1);

                        if done {

                        p = p + delta;
                        if p == new_p {
                            done = true;

                p = new_p;
                first = false;

        Sandbox {
            active_sand: HashSet::new(),
            settled_sand: HashSet::new(),

It’s a bit long, but the input is a little weird. Each input line is a sequence of straight lines and we have to iterate between them. But we only do this once, so it can be a bit heavy.

Next up, we actually implement the simulation:

impl Sandbox {
    fn occupied(&self, p: Point) -> bool {
        self.walls.contains(&p) || self.settled_sand.contains(&p) || self.active_sand.contains(&p)

    fn drop(&mut self, p: Point) {
        if self.occupied(p) {

        self.min_x = isize::min(self.min_x, p.x - 1);
        self.max_x = isize::max(self.max_x, p.x + 1);
        self.min_y = isize::min(self.min_y, p.y - 1);
        self.max_y = isize::max(self.max_y, p.y + 1);


    fn step(&mut self) -> bool {
        let mut next_active_sand = HashSet::new();

        for p in self.active_sand.iter() {
            // If we're past the lowest value, drop this point
            if p.y > self.max_y {
                return true;

            // Otherwise, try to fall (first left than right)
            let nexts = vec![
                *p + Point::DOWN,
                *p + Point::DOWN + Point::LEFT,
                *p + Point::DOWN + Point::RIGHT,

            let mut moved = false;
            for next in nexts.into_iter() {
                if !self.occupied(next) && !next_active_sand.contains(&next) {
                    moved = true;

            // If we can't fall, settle
            if !moved {

        self.active_sand = next_active_sand;

This doesn’t actually care at all if there is one grain of sand or a million. The main idea is that we have a double buffer for active_sand. We’re going to iterate over all the sand, but each point can collide with:

  • walls
  • settled_sand
  • active_sand - this is the sand that was there at the beginning of the frame
  • next_active_sand - this is sand that has already moved this frame, to avoid two moving to the same spot

Once we’ve iterated over everything, we can swap active_sand and continue on the next frame.

Finally, part1 to actually control the simulation:

fn part1(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let mut sandbox = Sandbox::from(&mut iter_lines(filename));
    let drop = Point { x: 500, y: 0 };

    for _frame in 1.. {
        if sandbox.active_sand.is_empty() {

        let done = sandbox.step();
        if done {


Not much there. And I can even make a pretty simulation:

I’ll come back to how I actually made that.

But this does make me think… why in the world are we actually doing a single grain of sand at a time? They only interact if they’re right behind each other, so why don’t we:

fn part1(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let mut sandbox = Sandbox::from(&mut iter_lines(filename));
    let drop = Point { x: 500, y: 0 };

    for frame in 1.. {
        if frame % 2 == 0 {

        let done = sandbox.step();
        if done {


It turns out… exactly the same.

Once a single grain has fallen out of the simulation, we know all the rest of the active_sand will as well, so clear it and return. And we get the same thing, only much much faster.

Well, check performance for how much faster. It turns out Rust is really fast, so it’s not actually that much better. But it really did help with rendering that movie up there. Since we have significantly fewer frames, it’s much easier to deal with.

Part 2

Add an infinite floor two pixels below the previous lower bound. Count the settled sand again.

fn part2(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let mut sandbox = Sandbox::from(&mut iter_lines(filename));
    let drop = Point { x: 500, y: 0 };

    // We want a line from -infinity,max_y+1 to +infinity,max_y
    // We don't actually need that though, just out at a 45 angle from min_x,min_y and max_x,min_y
    // Add some buffer for the extra offsets we're dealing with
    let height = sandbox.max_y - sandbox.min_y;
    let left_x = sandbox.min_x - height - 10;
    let right_x = sandbox.max_x + height + 10;

    for x in left_x..=right_x {
        sandbox.walls.insert(Point {
            y: sandbox.max_y + 1,
    sandbox.min_x = left_x - 1;
    sandbox.max_x = right_x + 1;
    sandbox.max_y += 2;

    for frame in 1.. {
        if frame % 2 == 0 {

        let done = sandbox.step();
        if done || sandbox.occupied(drop) {


As noted, we don’t actually need to make the infinite line. Because sand stacks at 45 degrees, we only need to go out from our current min and max by the total height (at worst case). So to handle all that, we add the new wall and update the bounds. Voila.

Here is where the optimization really comes in handy. It turns out that it takes roughly 1.5 million steps to solve one grain at a time. If you’re rendering each of those to a single file… that’s not going to go well. Well, it didn’t go well. But if you do every other frame, it only takes ~50k frames. So much more feasible.

I tried to render the full thing to a video… but turning 1.5M pngs into a video… didn’t go well. So only one for you this time. And it’s still pretty slow once it gets to the final fill.


Here are the numbers for both one at a time and every other frame.

# Drop one sand at a time

$ ./target/release/14-sandinator 1 data/14.txt

took 27.268ms

$ ./target/release/14-sandinator 2 data/14.txt

took 904.257791ms

# Drop one sand every other frame

$ ./target/release/14-sandinator 1 data/14.txt

took 28.331666ms

$ ./target/release/14-sandinator 2 data/14.txt

took 633.109583ms

There’s actually not much speed up in the small case, Rust is fast. But we do cut 1/3 of the runtime off in the longer case, since that’s just a lot of sand. Still under a second though!

Pretty (moving) pictures

Okay, let’s actually talk about generating the images. In a nutshell, I pulled in the image crate. That lets us render a pixel from_fn, something I’ve done an awful lot in Racket:

impl Sandbox {
    fn render(&self) -> RgbImage {
        let width = (self.max_x - self.min_x) as u32;
        let height = (self.max_y - self.min_y) as u32;

        ImageBuffer::from_fn(width, height, |x, y| {
            let p = Point {
                x: (x as isize) + self.min_x,
                y: (y as isize) + self.min_y,
            if self.walls.contains(&p) {
                image::Rgb([127, 127, 127])
            } else if self.settled_sand.contains(&p) {
                image::Rgb([194, 178, 128])
            } else if self.active_sand.contains(&p) {
                image::Rgb([255, 255, 255])
            } else {
                image::Rgb([0, 0, 0])

That really is it. To actually combine it into a video, I directly Shelled out to ffmpeg:

fn make_gif() {
    use std::process::Command;

    let commands = vec![
        "ffmpeg -y -framerate 240 -i %08d.png -vf scale=iw*4:ih*4:flags=neighbor -c:v libx264 -r 30 sandbox.mp4",
        "find . -name '*.png' | xargs rm"

    for cmd in commands.into_iter() {
        println!("$ {}", cmd);
        let mut child = Command::new("bash")
            .expect("command failed");
        child.wait().expect("process didn't finish");

Yes, using bash -c this way is a prime candidate for Shell injection, but… it’s not like I’m dealing with any non-constant params in this case, so it’s really a pretty minimal risk. And much easier to write.

And that’s it. Pretty (moving) pictures.

A lesson in filesystem limitations

It turns out filesystems really don’t like having 1.5M files in them. Finder freaked out, VS Code crashed, and I couldn’t even ls or run find on the directory to delete the files.

What finally did end up working was installing fd (more Rust!) and using that to delete the files in batches:

$ for i in $(seq 1 100); do
    echo $i;
    fd -g '*.png' | head -n 10000 | xargs rm;

That took a little while, but it didn’t actually hang and I got my machine back. I’ve done this before… but it’s been a while.

A lesson in web compatibility

So… the original videos (above) didn’t render well at all. I had to run them through a bit more ffmpeg magic to get them to play in a browser:

$ for f in *.mp4; do
    echo $f;
    bak $f;
    ffmpeg -y 
        -i $f.bak 
        -c:v libx264 
        -preset slow 
        -crf 20 
        -vf format=yuv420p 
        -movflags +faststart 
