AoC 2022 Day 10: Interpretator

Source: Cathode-Ray Tube

Part 1

Implement a simple virtual machine with two instructions: nop which does nothing for 1 cycles and addx $n which adds $n to the X register (initial value 1) in two cycles. Calculate the sum of cycle * X for the cycles 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220.

I do love virtual machines.

First, parse and store the instructions:

/* ----- A single instruction for the virtual machine ----- */
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Instruction {

impl Instruction {
    fn cycles(self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Noop => 1,
            AddX(_) => 2,

impl From<String> for Instruction {
    fn from(line: String) -> Self {
        let mut parts = line.split_ascii_whitespace();

        match"must have a first part") {
            "noop" => Noop,
            "addx" => {
                let v = parts
                    .expect("addx must have a value")
                    .expect("addx value must be numeric");

            _ => panic!("unknown instruction format {:?}", line),

Second, create the struct for the VM:

/* ----- Implement a simple virtual machine ----- */
struct VM {
    instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
    program_counter: usize,
    time_counter: usize,
    delayed_instructions: VecDeque<Vec<Instruction>>,
    registers: HashMap<String, isize>,
    previous_registers: HashMap<String, isize>,

impl VM {
    fn new(instructions: Vec<Instruction>) -> Self {
        VM {
            program_counter: 0,
            time_counter: 0,
            delayed_instructions: VecDeque::new(),
            registers: HashMap::new(),
            previous_registers: HashMap::new(),

The fields probably need a bit of talking about:

  • instructions stores the full program
  • program_counter is the current instruction being executed
  • time_counter advances one for each tick
  • delayed_instructions is a stack of instructions that are waiting to be executed; this is structured a bit oddly, since originally I read the prompt wrong and implemented an (IMO) more interesting architecture, one with instruction pipelining–essentially, an addx followed by a nop would finish both on the same clock cycle; mostly it messed up the timing
  • registers stores the current value of registers, this could just be a single value since we only use X, but 🤷
  • previous_registers stores the values the registers had on the tick before this one, since that’s the value ‘during’ the current cycle (which is what part 1 actually wants) while registers is what it is after the cycle; again, I could just offset the time_counter, but I think this is more explicit

Okay, with all that, let’s write the function that actually updates the VM:

impl VM {
    fn step(&mut self) {
        self.time_counter += 1;

        match self.delayed_instructions.get(0) {
            // We have a current instruction, don't queue any more
            Some(v) if !v.is_empty() => {}

            // We don't have a current instruction, queue one
            _ => {
                let instruction = self.instructions.get(self.program_counter).unwrap();
                let cycles = instruction.cycles();

                while self.delayed_instructions.len() < cycles {

                    .get_mut(cycles - 1)

                self.program_counter += 1;

        // Copy the registers
        for (k, v) in self.registers.iter() {
            self.previous_registers.insert(k.clone(), *v);

        // Run any current instructions
        for instructions in self.delayed_instructions.pop_front() {
            for instruction in instructions {

As noted, I’m using delayed_instructions to handle the offset of various ticks. In this case, when an instruction executes, it’s added to delayed_instructions offset by the number of cycles it will take to finish. So nop will end up at the front of the VecDeque (and thus will be executed this cycle) and addx will be added a cycle further down.

This is (as I tend to do) rather overengineered. You could easily add both many instructions and already do some pipelining, although with this step function, it will never matter (since the next instruction is only queued if there isn’t one ready to run).

Since I think it’s cool, here is the pipelined step function:

impl VM {
    fn pipelined_step(&mut self) {
        // Add the current instruction to the correct delay cycle
        if self.program_counter < self.instructions.len() {
            let instruction = self.instructions.get(self.program_counter).unwrap();
            let cycles = instruction.cycles();

            while self.delayed_instructions.len() < cycles + 1 {


        // Copy the registers
        for (k, v) in self.registers.iter() {
            self.previous_registers.insert(k.clone(), *v);

        // Pop and run all currently delay instructions
        for instructions in self.delayed_instructions.pop_front() {
            for instruction in instructions {

        // Increment program counter
        self.program_counter += 1;

Again, overengineered, but this time much more interesting. If you have some very long instructions, it can properly start each one cycle at a time and they’ll finish when they finish. This of course doesn’t take into account problems with data access etc that actual pipelined architectures handle, but rather assumes that the programmer will add the proper number of nop instructions and/or move code around so that it isn’t a problem.

I thought it was neat. 😄

In any case, we do need two more functions, one to tell the user when the VM is done (in this case, the program_counter is out of bounds and all delayed_instructions are completed) plus an actual eval function for all currently defined instructions:

impl VM {
    fn is_finished(&self) -> bool {
        self.program_counter >= self.instructions.len() && self.delayed_instructions.is_empty()

    fn eval(&mut self, instruction: Instruction) {
        match instruction {
            Noop => {}
            AddX(v) => {
                    self.registers.get("X").or(Some(&(1 as isize))).unwrap() + v,

The .get("X").or(Some(&1)) is pretty cool, not going to lie. The ability to default is always neat.

In any case, now that we have the VM, the next step is to use it to solve the requested problem:

fn part1(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let instructions = iter_lines(filename).map(Instruction::from).collect();
    let mut vm = VM::new(instructions);

    let mut sample_sum = 0;

    loop {

        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
                "[{:4}] [{:4}] {:?}, {:?}",
                vm.time_counter, vm.program_counter, vm.registers, vm.delayed_instructions

        match vm.time_counter {
            20 | 60 | 100 | 140 | 180 | 220 => {
                let signal = vm.time_counter as isize * *vm.previous_registers.get("X").unwrap();
                sample_sum += signal;
            _ => {}

        if vm.is_finished() {


And it even has the debug_assertions code to print out the current state of the VM at each tick!

Part 2

Simulate an old fashioned monitor that works by displaying one bit at a time, across each row and then down to the next row. Each tick, display a # if the current value of the X register is +-1 the current bit being displayed, otherwise, ..

Check out racing the beam. It’s something that you could do to really get some extra performance out of the old video game systems. Not so much an issue with modern computers. Fascinating what different trade offs have been made over the years.

In any case, the VM will handle this absolutely perfectly, so let’s go ahead and modify part2 to instead generate an output_buffer for one frame:

fn part2(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let instructions = iter_lines(filename).map(Instruction::from).collect();
    let mut vm = VM::new(instructions);

    let mut output_buffer = String::new();
    let mut crt_x = 0;

    loop {

        let sprite_center_x = *vm.previous_registers.get("X").or(Some(&1)).unwrap();
        let c = if crt_x >= sprite_center_x - 1 && crt_x <= sprite_center_x + 1 {
        } else {


        crt_x += 1;
        if crt_x >= 40 {
            crt_x = 0;

        if vm.is_finished() {


That’s a pretty neat function and I think easy enough to understand. It does hardcode the sprite as a 3px wide block, but so it goes.


$ ./target/release/10-interpretator 1 data/10.txt

took 201.791µs

$ ./target/release/10-interpretator 2 data/10.txt


took 481.583µs

Yeah, that’s pretty cool. And it’s actually still well under the ~16.67ms you need to be able to render a frame in to get 60fps. Granted, it’s not doing anything and without any branching, it’s not really capable of doing anything interesting (read: Turing complete). But it’s a start! I’m curious if a later day will go there.

In any case, onward!