AoC 2022 Day 5: Stackinator

Source: Supply Stacks

Part 1

Given a list of stacks of syntax 1 and instructions in the form syntax 2, apply each instruction to pop qty items from the stack src and put them on dst one at a time.

Syntax 1: Stacks

[N] [C]    
[Z] [M] [P]
 1   2   3 

Syntax 2: Instructions

move 1 from 2 to 1
move 3 from 1 to 3
move 2 from 2 to 1
move 1 from 1 to 2

Well that’s an interesting format. I expect most of this problem is going to resolve around parsing rather than the actual mechanics of the problem itself. So let’s start with structs for Stack, a Warehouse to hold all of the stacks, and Instructions. We could certainly just use Vec<Vec<char>> as our Stack/Warehouse, but I like being able to attach functionality to the structs with impl. To each their own.

struct Stack {
    data: Vec<char>,

struct Warehouse {
    stacks: Vec<Stack>,

struct Instruction {
    qty: usize,
    src: usize,
    dst: usize,

Next, parse a warehouse, assuming that we’re only given the lines containing the boxes (as above).

impl Warehouse {
    fn from(lines: &Vec<String>) -> Warehouse {
        let mut data = Vec::new();

        for line in lines {
            for i in 0..=(line.len() / 3) {
                let center = 1 + i * 4;
                let c = line.chars().nth(center);

                match c {
                    Some(c) if c != ' ' => {
                        while data.len() <= i {
                            data.push( Vec::new() );

                    _ => {} // No box in this stack, do nothing

        let mut stacks = Vec::new();
        for ls in data {
            stacks.push(Stack { data: ls.into_iter().rev().collect::<Vec<char>>() });

        Warehouse { stacks }

To do this, I’m going to actually build up that Vec<Vec<char>> and convert it at the end. But that ends up being an implementation detail so far as anyone viewing this code would be considered. The from method would be pub, but the struct fields do not have to be.

A few interesting things to note:

  • The i in 0..=(line.len() / 3) iterates across indexes within each string length, so you only loop to the rightmost existing char in each row
  • The match block deals with blocks that don’t exist both by unwrapping the nth and checking if c != ' '
  • The mut stacks loop at the bottom is because we read each stack top to bottom, but want them stored with the top value at the end (Vecs are O(1) from that end), so reverse them once here

Now that we have all of that, we also want the ability to parse out a Vec<Instruction>:

impl Instruction {
    fn list_from(lines: &Vec<String>) -> Vec<Instruction> {
        let mut result = Vec::new();

        for line in lines {
            let mut parts = line.split_ascii_whitespace();

            // Note: nth consumes previous values
            let qty = parts
                .expect("part 2 is qty")
                .expect("part 2 must be a uint");
            let src = parts
                .expect("part 4 is src")
                .expect("part 4 must be a uint");
            let dst = parts
                .expect("part 6 is dst")
                .expect("part 6 must be a uint");

            result.push(Instruction { qty, src, dst });


It took a bit to remember/notice that nth on an Iter consumes up to and through that value. So .nth(1) the first time skips move and consumes the number, the second time from and the number, and the third time to and the number. Pretty neat actually.

Now finally, a function to apply an Instruction to a Warehouse:

impl Warehouse {
    fn apply(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) {
        for _ in 0..instruction.qty {
            let value = self.stacks[instruction.src - 1]
                .expect("tried to pop from empty stack");
            self.stacks[instruction.dst - 1].data.push(value);

And a function to get the final result:

    fn tops(&self) -> String {
        let mut result = String::new();

        for stack in self.stacks.iter() {
            let c = stack
                .expect("each stack should have at least one item");


Pretty clean. We do need one last bit of boilerplate to be able to split the input based on the two parts (separated by an empty line) though:

fn parse(filename: &Path) -> (Warehouse, Vec<Instruction>) {
    let mut lines = read_lines(filename);
    let split_index = lines
        .position(|line| line.len() == 0)
        .expect("should have empty line");
    let instruction_lines = lines.split_off(split_index + 1);

    // Ignore the indexes and empty line

    let warehouse = Warehouse::from(&lines);
    let instructions = Instruction::list_from(&instruction_lines);

    (warehouse, instructions)

Still looking for a better way to do that. I suppose I could use an Iter<String> instead, read off values until I see the empty line in the first parser and then read from the same Iter in the second? Perhaps I’ll try that for another day.

In any case, all this means that the actual answer is very short (as it should be):

fn part1(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let (mut warehouse, instructions) = parse(filename);

    for instruction in instructions {



Part 2

Do the same, except instead of moving qty items one at a time, pick up the entire qty items and move them all at once (thus preserving the original order).

Just need a new apply function:

impl Warehouse {
    fn apply_9001(&mut self, instruction: &Instruction) {
        let mut values = LinkedList::new();

        for _ in 0..instruction.qty {
                self.stacks[instruction.src - 1]
                    .expect("tried to pop from empty stack"),

        for _ in 0..instruction.qty {
            self.stacks[instruction.dst - 1]
                .push(values.pop_back().expect("must pop as many as we pushed"));

fn part2(filename: &Path) -> String {
    let (mut warehouse, instructions) = parse(filename);

    for instruction in instructions {


And for this, we actually do want a LinkedList, since that allows O(1) push and pop from both ends, so we can have FIFO instead of FILO.


$ ./target/release/05-stackinator 1 data/05.txt

took 260.208µs

$ ./target/release/05-stackinator 2 data/05.txt

took 367.333µs

Reading is O(n) in the number of stacks (since it has to read them all in and then flip them all, but that’s still not a higher order of magnitude) and running is likewise O(n) in the number of instructions, it doesn’t matter how big the actual data is. So it should (as expected) be lightning fast, no matter really how big the problem us (up until you get big enough to start worrying more about memory consumption and caching).

Pretty neat!