Well that’s an interesting saga. Heaven, Hell, and… a Third Place. Mythology certainly goes some interesting places in Hellblazer. I enjoyed it.
Empathy is the Enemy
Confident. Can’t say it isn’t deserved though.
Not something monks want to hear I expect.
IRL the team seems attached to a particular brand of Fundamentalist Christians. I like this idea better.
The Season of the Zealot
The Red Right Hand
How do you fix something like that? Perhaps an ally with newly upgraded time related powers? 😃
Such a Constantine way to choose to save the world.
He’s not entirely wrong.
And that’s (currently) happy Chas. Poor Chas.
Oh that’s a touch of world building.
… not the way I would have expected this to go…
Oh that’s beautiful.
With a Little Help From My Friends
Don’t they all?
Not that sort of story at all.