Source: Amphipod
Part 1: Given 4 rooms full of amphipods with various energy costs for movement (a=1, b=10, c=100, d=1000) and a hallway, how much energy does it take (at minimum) to sort the amphipods into their own rooms with the following conditions:
- Amphipods will move from rooms into the hallway, but will not stop on the space immediately outside of any room
- Amphipods will not enter a room other than their own
- Amphipods will not enter a room that has other kinds of amphipods in it
- Amphipods will only move from the hallway into a room
There’s an interesting caveat in the last two points, but we’ll come back to that.
So let’s start by getting these things loaded in:
class Point:
x: int
y: int
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.x}, {self.y}>'
def distance(self, other: 'Point'):
return abs(other.x - self.x) + abs(other.y - self.y)
class State:
width: int
height: int
walls: FrozenSet[Point]
amphipods: Mapping[str, FrozenSet[Point]]
def read(file: TextIO):
width = 0
height = 0
walls = set()
amphipods = {}
for y, line in enumerate(file):
height = max(y + 1, height)
for x, c in enumerate(line.rstrip('\n')):
width = max(x + 1, width)
p = Point(x, y)
if c == '#':
elif c.isalpha():
amphipods.setdefault(c, set())
return State(
c: frozenset(points)
for c, points in amphipods.items()
def __getitem__(self, p: Union[Tuple[int, int], Point]):
if isinstance(p, tuple):
x, y = p
p = Point(x, y)
if p in self.walls:
return '#'
for c, points in self.amphipods.items():
if p in points:
return c
return ' '
def __str__(self):
map_data = []
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
map_data.append(self[x, y])
return f'State<{self.width}x{self.height}>{{\n{"".join(map_data)}}}'
I’m eventually going to use A* again, so in order to do that, I have to make sure everything is immutable and can be hashed, thus the frozenset
and frozendict
everywhere. I wish that were more elegant.
Next up, we want the ability to generate a list of moves from a given state. That is, check every amphipod and generate every move they could make following the three rules:
class State:
def moves(self) -> Generator[Tuple[int, 'State'], None, None]:
'''Generate the possible next states that we can get into from here.'''
logging.debug('Generating moves')
for c, points in self.amphipods.items():
logging.debug(f'- Generating moves for {c=}')
for p in points:
logging.debug(f'-- Generating moves for {c=} @ {p=}')
# Move amphipods from rooms to the hallway
# Blocked amphipods won't floodfill, so this is fine
if p.y >= 2:
logging.debug('-- Dealing with a room amphipod')
for new_p in self.floodfill(p):
# An amphipod will always stop in the hallway
if new_p.y != 1:
# # An amphipod will not stop immediately outside of the room they came from
# if new_p.x == p.x:
# continue
# An amphipod will not stop immediately outside of any room
if new_p.x in TARGET_ROOMS.values():
# Otherwise, yield this as a possibility
yield (p.distance(new_p) * ENERGY_COSTS[c], self.move(p, new_p))
# An amphipod in the hallway will only go into a room
# + only it's correct room
# + only if there are no non-similar amphipods beneath it
elif p.y == 1:
logging.debug('-- Dealing with a hallway amphipod')
for new_p in self.floodfill(p):
# An amphipod will not stay in the hallway once they are in it
if new_p.y == 1:
# An amphipod will only got into it's own room
if new_p.x != TARGET_ROOMS[c]:
# An amphipod will not enter a room that has other kinds of amphipods in it
if new_p.y >= 2 and any(
self[new_p.x, y] not in (c, ' ')
for y in range(2, self.height - 1)
# Otherwise, yield this as a possibility
yield (p.distance(new_p) * ENERGY_COSTS[c], self.move(p, new_p))
# This shouldn't happen...
logging.critical(f'Confused amphipod: {c} @ {p}')
That’s the simulation in a nutshell, although we do need a two helper functions of course:
class State:
def floodfill(self, origin: Point) -> Generator[Point, None, None]:
'''Generate all points reachable from a given location.'''
scanned = set()
to_scan = queue.Queue()
while not to_scan.empty():
p = to_scan.get_nowait()
if p in scanned:
if p != origin:
yield p
for xd, yd in NEIGHBORS:
new_p = Point(p.x + xd, p.y + yd)
if self[new_p] == ' ':
def move(self, src: Point, dst: Point) -> 'State':
'''Return a new state with the given amphipod moved from src to dst'''
for delta_c, points in self.amphipods.items():
if src in points:
return State(
c: points if c != delta_c else points - {src} | {dst}
for c, points in self.amphipods.items()
It’s all immutable, so generate a new state for move
and scan only empty spaces for floodfill
. As seen in moves
, we deal with the actual rules there, floodfill
just needs to generate spaces that are connected and empty.
So that’s all we have:
def main(initial_file: typer.FileText, goal_file: typer.FileText):
initial =
goal =
q = queue.PriorityQueue()
q.put((0, initial))
visited = set()
i = 0
while not q.empty():
energy, state = q.get_nowait()
i += 1
if i % 10000 == 0:
f'[{i=}, qsize={q.qsize()}] '
f'{energy=} {str(state)}'
if state in visited:
if state == goal:
for new_energy, new_state in state.moves():
q.put((energy + new_energy, new_state))
print('Final solution:')
print('states examined:', i)
For now, all we’re doing is sorting states by energy expended and trying all states until we find one that works. And it works pretty well:
$ python3 main input1.txt goal1.txt
Final solution:
# #
states examined: 896123
# time 99305909917ns / 99.31s
But… I feel like we can do better. Remember how I mentioned A*? Let’s write a heuristic function:
class State:
def heuristic(self) -> int:
'''Guess how many movies it will take to get to the final state.'''
# For any amphis not in the target room, calculate a guess cost to get there
# This will go to the hallway and into their room ignoring everything in their way
return sum(
p.y - 1 # To the hallway, 0 if in hallway already
+ abs(p.x - TARGET_ROOMS[c]) # Along the hallway the quickest way
+ 1 # Into the room (first spot, underestimates)
for c, points in self.amphipods.items()
for p in points
if p.x != TARGET_ROOMS[c]
Because the amphipods can just run right through one another, this will never overestimate (which is required to guarantee an optimal solution from A*), but it should help. Add it to the solver:
def main(initial_file: typer.FileText, goal_file: typer.FileText, heuristic: bool = False):
initial =
goal =
q = queue.PriorityQueue()
q.put((0, 0, initial))
visited = set()
i = 0
while not q.empty():
heuristic_score, energy, state = q.get_nowait()
i += 1
if i % 10000 == 0:
f'[{i=}, qsize={q.qsize()}] '
f'heuristic={heuristic_score if heuristic else "disabled"} '
f'{energy=} {str(state)}'
if state in visited:
if state == goal:
for new_energy, new_state in state.moves():
if heuristic:
heuristic_score = energy + new_energy + new_state.heuristic()
heuristic_score = 0
q.put((heuristic_score, energy + new_energy, new_state))
print('Final solution:')
print('states examined:', i)
I like how the state doesn’t care at all, it’s all in the wrapping algorithm that uses it. So run it:
$ python3 --heuristic main input1.txt goal1.txt
Final solution:
# #
states examined: 156876
# time 18045001792ns / 18.05s
Nice! It examined 150k versus 900k states (6x fewer) and ran 5x as fast! That will help with part 2 I’m sure. :D
Part 2: Add two more (given) amphipods to each room, solve for least energy.
Yup, it’s just bigger and more complicated. Nothing else changes:
$ python3 --heuristic main input2.txt goal2.txt
Final solution:
# #
states examined: 784637
# time 158144712250ns / 158.14s
Nice! And it only had just shy of 800k states total. I know without the heuristic it would have been… somewhat more than that.
One interesting note. I originally read the rules differently. I thought that:
- amphipods would go as deep into their room as possible and stay there (this is wrong, they can go into their room and come back out if that’s more efficient)
- amphipods could stop in front of each other’s rooms, just not their own
In both cases, I still got an answer, it just wasn’t as efficient as the problem wanted. Turns out it’s better for A to be able to go in and out of their room to get out of the rest’s ways. It didn’t matter in part 1 (other than making it a hair quicker), but it did for part 2!
A neat problem. I like how relatively elegant the rules can be expressed.