Well. That’s a storm.
The President may not have the ability to control the weather, but you can be quite sure that he’s going to take advantage of it. The most terrifying thing is–this is far easier to believe (for me) now than it was before that if we were ever to have a president both evil and competent things might go sideways in a hurry.
Along the way, Spider is going (more) mad:
… for good reason.
On top of that, we finally learn what's going on with Spider's health issues . Man that’s a kick in the teeth for Spider and the reader. Knowing that he’s probably going to win out in the end (stories tend to end up that way), but that Spider himself might very well lose everything to do it.
Images (spoilers):
Yup. Up against time.
And Spider actually talks right with the President. I don’t know who’s further gone…