Onwards and halfwaywards. The election is over and Spider and co are on the scene.
He… really has an interesting definition of what ‘journalism’ is. There’s something to it–to really get to the truth, to let people know what’s going on, you can’t always play by the rules. On the other hand, Spider most certainly crosses the lines–just about all of the time. And I think that’s the entire point of the thing.
In any case, this time around, we get a story about police corruption. Because of course that’s a story we have to talk about in 2017. Man, prescience and all that. Not that it’s a new problem…
I think my biggest problem with this volume is that it takes about half of it to get to the point. We have page after page of Spider moping (I didn’t even take pictures) before that awesome scene at the top. And … it’s hard to read. I hope the next volume doesn’t do that as well.
Anyways, it’s still a pretty good read when we get to the second part. Onward!
A few more picture: (spoilers)
Well… that’s crude. But she certainly is tall isn’t she. And is it just me or is she taller in every volume?