Sooo… meet the new Jack, better* than the old Jack?
Jack’s son (by way of the Winter Queen, many books ago) is now the Jack of the Fables and old Jack has managed to convince him that the way to great power and fulfullmet is through quests and adventures. Which… sure. In this world it might even be the right way to go.
So new Jack sets aside his powers (it wouldn’t be fair after all), teams up with one of Geppetto’s creations (a wonderfully snarky wooden owl) and goes on an adventures to save the princess, slay the giant, and earn himself the titular Fulminate Blade. It’s quite and adventures, chock full of weirdness:
It’s a fun story and of course tries to fit in a lesson about being too trusting, which for the most part bounces right off Jack. It works.
Arthur C. Clarke, eat your heart out.