It turns out that Captain Nash didn’t die in A Show of Force after all, and there’s still a chance that the Jung won’t steal a jump drive . There will be a tense few scenes before we find out for sure. It does rob the ending of A Show of Force a bit, but The Frontiers Saga has always felt somewhat like a television series and for that genre it fits. You need to raise the stakes, but the twist is almost always that the heroes found a way to survive .
Otherwise, all sorts of things are happening. The Pentaurus Cluster has descended into open civil war and can no longer supply the Aurora and the Alliance. Ground troops are forced to withdraw. The Aurora/Celestia get beat up again. Deliza comes back to show off her super smarts and upgrade the Falcons to SUPER Falcons.
It’s kind of strange to know that there’s only one more book until this series (or at least part 11) wraps up. There are more and more plotlines and characters. I don’t know how Ryk Brown is going to do it, but I certainly hope it will be spectacular.
Onward and to the end we go.
A 15 book part one. Crazy, right? And apparently most of part 2 is out already. I wasn’t expecting to have that to read… ↩︎