Huh. I picked up Aurora: CV-01 based on the recommendation of Steve Gibson of the Security Now podcast. Other than a glowing review and knowing it was sci-fi, I didn’t really know anything else about the series.
Turns out, it feels an awful lot like a Star Trek series with the labels filed off. Which isn’t actually a bad thing, I’ve seen all of the Star Trek series and movies. What’s more, I’m one of the weird ones who started with and actually prefers Voyager to all the others, which when we find out the Aurora is a thousand light years from home intrigued me somewhat.
It’s nothing new or deep (especially coming off Octavia Butler’s Lilith's Brood and Ben Bova’s The Grand Tour…), but it’s fun . The writing is a bit rough at times and the characters are just this side of ridiculous. Take as a given that it feels a lot like Star Trek and just enjoy the ride. They’re quick light reads.
My largest complain perhaps is that the first book ends right where things really take off. It’s not a deal breaker with 15 books out thus far, just a bit annoying.