A long time ago
Then, about a year and a half ago now, I just stopped blogging. It wasn’t that I didn’t have anything left to say. I have a huge backlog of posts.
Mostly, I just got tired of the time it took to rebuild the blog and add new features.
Since then, every month or two, I would decide that I was going to rewrite my blog generator–again. Or I would move to one of the dozens
Long story, short, I eventually settled on Hugo. It’s a static blog generator written in Go, which I have some experience with through work. It’s fast (with caching, it can rebuild my entire blog in a second or two). And it’s relatively flexible
It took longer than I probably should have to write a script to convert my old blog to the new format. I’ll probably write a post or two about that eventually
For now though, I hope this will be enough to get me blogging again. I’ve already retroactively added in all of the Flickr albums, Goodreads reviews, and a few other things that I’ve done in the last year and a half.
If you have any comments/suggestions, feel free to drop a line below or shoot me an email. I’m always glad to hear them.