For security reasons, no books will be permitted in the chamber during your testimony.
Revisionary is a fascinating work. It takes the world building of the first three [Magic Ex Libris](https://www.goodreads.com/series/67567-magic-ex- libris) books and explores what happens when magic comes out in the modern world. It’s probably the best example I’ve seen of this, right up there with the [Mercy Thompson books](https://www.goodreads.com/series/40932-mercy- thompson) (and honestly does a better job of showing the changes from the point of view of humans dragged into a new world).
There are a number of really interesting ideas in this book.
How do you treat magical beings such as vampires? Are they legally the same as ordinary human beings?
How would inheritance work? Taxes–on beings that can and may have already lived for centuries?
How do medical regulations interact with magical healing? Do you need to go through human trials and years of other studies for a magical healing vial pulled out of a book?
On top of that, we get a bunch of new magical bits and bobs that the Libriomancers have put together now that they don’t have to completely hide what they’re doing. In particular, I found it particularly interesting how they dealt with the interaction of magic and computer systems, particularly in the case of the Kiyokos–a series of clones acting as networked biological computers. All together, the new magical tech leads to some pretty crazy (and weird at times) action scenes especially towards the climax of the book.
As one downside, Gutenbern only barely shows up (being dead) and de Leon isn’t in the book at all. I get that they’re a bit over powered being around for so long… although Bi Wei shows up. At least we still get plenty from the main characters we’ve come to know over the series. Isaac is still my favorite. I see more than a bit of myself in him.
“That’s . . . that’s magic.”
“Pretty cool, isn’t it? If I had more time, I’d tell you how it worked.”
“He would,” Lena said. “Even if you asked him to stop.”
Overall, a fitting end to the series even if I wished it weren’t the end. Worth the read.
Random awesome thing: an uplifted crow. I find the idea of uplifted animals fascinating although it has an unfortunate tendency to overpower the story.
He’d discovered his abilities a year and a half ago, and was still in that overenthusiastic phase where he was likely to blow himself up along with everyone within a hundred-foot radius if you didn’t keep a close eye on him.