Last year I had a two week old; this year, I have a one year old. I’m honestly not sure yet which is more distracting!

This year, I’ve been going for 2500 words per day (I know). It’s an intense pace, but I’ve done it so far. And, if all goes well, I’ll be done before Thanksgiving. Of course, I won’t actually stop then…
Title: The Last John Smith
Premise: Among a thousand parallel realities, everyone has a thousand twins. Except for John Smith. Someone has been systematically killing all of the alternate John Smiths on all of the worlds.1
Eventually, I’ll probably publish the first chapter online. If anyone wants to read the story as I go or after I’m done though, just email me. I’d be happy to have more beta readers.
And since I write by the seat of my pants… That’s all even I know thus far. ↩︎