I really liked the first How to Train Your Dragon. It was cute and it was fun. Cute, the sequel had. Fun, more or less. But it was still missing something.
Things I didn’t care for about the movie:
The ‘big twist’ didn’t make much sense. Why in the world didn’t she come home?
The alphas. The dragons in this universe have always been some mix of dogs and cats. Having a dominating influence, sure. But they’re so different. How in the world does that work? And they’re referred to as queen bees essentially?
How does Toothless do his thing? If it was that easy for any dragon to stand in, why hasn’t that already happened?
The vying for the one woman’s vikings attention was just weird. That could have been done better.
Things I did like:
It was interesting to see that they didn’t keep away from death. There wasn’t any blood either time, but the deaths in the movie still hit fairly hard–and they didn’t undo them. Too often in films like this, there’s some surprise solution.
So it goes. It was still a pretty movie. I liked the animation. I just thought it could have been so much more…
Ranked: 2014 Movie Reviews
Ranked: 2014 Movie Reviews
I really liked the first How to Train Your Dragon. It was cute and it was fun. Cute, the sequel had. Fun, more or less. But it was still missing something.
Things I didn’t care for about the movie:
The ‘big twist’ didn’t make much sense. Why in the world didn’t she come home?
The alphas. The dragons in this universe have always been some mix of dogs and cats. Having a dominating influence, sure. But they’re so different. How in the world does that work? And they’re referred to as queen bees essentially?
How does Toothless do his thing? If it was that easy for any dragon to stand in, why hasn’t that already happened?
The vying for the one woman’s vikings attention was just weird. That could have been done better.
Things I did like:
It was interesting to see that they didn’t keep away from death. There wasn’t any blood either time, but the deaths in the movie still hit fairly hard–and they didn’t undo them. Too often in films like this, there’s some surprise solution.
So it goes. It was still a pretty movie. I liked the animation. I just thought it could have been so much more…