A fairly common set of command line tools (at least for me) is to combine sort
and uniq
to get a count of unique items in a list of unsorted data. Something like this:
$ find . -type 'f' | rev | cut -d "." -f "1" | rev | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
2649 htm
1458 png
993 cache
612 jpg
135 css
102 zip
99 svg
60 gif
45 js
27 pdf
To break that down a little bit:
find . -type 'f'
Returns a list of all f
iles in the current directory (.
rev | cut -d "." -f "1" | rev
Pulls of the extension by rev
ersing the line, then cut off the first .
elimted field f
ield (previously the last), and rev
ersing it again.
Sorts the lines so that uniq
will work correctly.
uniq -c
Collapse adjacent equalivalent lines, outputing a c
ount with each. This is why we had to sort
first, otherwise something like a b a a
would collapse to a b a
rather than a b
sort -nr
Sort again, this time taking into account that the first field is n
umeric (the count from uniq
) and r
eversing the result so that the highest values are first.
Returning only the first n
(default is 10) lines.
Running it on my blog directory, we see that it shows a whole pile of various kinds of files (the cache
files are partially generated content unique to my blog generator).
But there’s a bit of a problem with using sort
and uniq
together that way: they aren’t aware of one another. So to sort the document, you have to hold the entire thing in memory. If you’re running what I was above (~5k lines), that’s not much. But if you try to do the same thing with several gigabytes of text…
Let’s write a quick script that can do that all at once:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-k', '--key-sort', dest='keySort', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--value-sort', dest='valSort', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--reverse', dest='reverse', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--numeric', dest='numeric', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.keySort and args.valSort:
print('Cannot sort by both key and value')
counts = collections.defaultdict(lambda : 0)
for line in sys.stdin:
counts[line.strip()] += 1
f = int if args.numeric else lambda x : x
values = counts.items()
if args.keySort: values = sorted(values, key = lambda el: f(el[0]))
if args.valSort: values = sorted(values, key = lambda el: f(el[1]))
if args.reverse: values = reversed(values)
for k, v in values:
print('{0}\t{1}'.format(v, k))
Even better, it combines several flags from both uniq
and the second sort
. You can sort by either the key or value (value being the count). You can reverse and you can do a numeric sort. So if you want to do the same thing as above:
$ find . -type 'f' | rev | cut -d "." -f "1" | rev | count -vnr | head
2649 htm
1458 png
993 cache
612 jpg
135 css
102 zip
99 svg
60 gif
45 js
27 pdf
Much shorter! Granted, if you really wanted to, you can do this just as easily with awk
$ find . -type 'f' | \
awk -F. '{ exts[$(NF)]++; } END { for (ext in exts) print exts[ext] "\t" ext }' | \
sort -nr | head
2649 htm
1458 png
993 cache
612 jpg
135 css
102 zip
99 svg
60 gif
45 js
27 pdf
Basically, awk
is splitting the string on the F
ield .
, then running this script on each line:
is the number of fields, so $(NF)
refers to the last field. exts[$(NF)]++
adds on to a dictionary keyed on the extension ($(NF)
). Through the magic of default values, this works, defaulting any missing keys to 0 the first time around.
Then, after all of the lines are done, the END
segment runs:
for (ext in exts) print exts[ext] "\t" ext
This loops over each extension, printing first the count then the extension.
The downsides? It’s a lot longer (although you could alias it) and you have to manually sort. Still, it worth manually knowing some awk
, especially for the cases where you’re on a remote system and don’t have custom dotfiles installed.
As before, this script is available in my dotfiles repository: count.