A prototype object system for Racket

As I seem to be wont to do, I needed something to work on my Roguelike in Racket tutorial series–so I wrote it! This time, we’re looking to add a prototyped-based object system to Racket. I’m sure that someone has rigged up something similar before, but it’s often more interesting to work things like this out for oneself.

First, as a short aside, exactly what is a prototype-based object system? Well, Wikipedia says it clearly enough:

Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is performed via a process of cloningexisting objects that serve as prototypes. This model can also be known as classlessprototype-oriented orinstance-based programming. Delegation is the language feature that supports prototype-based programming.

Essentially, rather than a dichotomy between classes and objects, everything is the same. If you want to instantiate a class, you clone it. If you want to extend a class, you clone it and add/override previous fields. So you should be able to do something like this:

; Create a basic thing
(define-thing color [red 0] [green 0] [blue 0])

; Extend things
(define-thing red color [red 255])

; Get values, with optional default
(thing-get color 'red) => 0
(thing-get red 'red) => 255

Also, we want to be able to set values without altering the parent object:

; Set value, existing or not
(thing-set! red 'red 1.0)
(thing-get red 'red) => 1.0
(thing-get color 'red) => 0

So how do we do this?

Well, to start with, we need something to store key/value pairs. It seems like Hash Tables  will be the perfect option. So let’s create a thing structure (it’s not a perfect name, but I’ve seen worse).

; A simple wrapper for things
(define-struct thing (data)
  #:constructor-name new-thing)

#:constructor-name is necessary since I want to define my own make-thing. Basically, we could directly return/use a hasheq. But this way, we get things like the thing? predicate and nice (if not particularly helpful) pretty printing:

> (define-thing color [red 0] [green 0] [blue 0])
> color

So let’s get down to it. What do we need to make a thing? Well, I want it to be semi-fancy (as you may have noticed already), so we’re going to need to write a macro . Without it, we wouldn’t be able to use values like red/green/blue without quoting them.

So here’s a basic first version:

; A very simple prototype based object system
(define-syntax make-thing
  (syntax-rules ()
    ; Add a key/value pair to a thing
    [(_ [k v] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k v)
    ; Create an empty thing
     (new-thing (make-hasheq))]))

Basically, this will set up a chain of setting key/value pairs down until the base case which creates the hash itself. We could also create the objects directly in one line with something like this:

(define-syntax-rule (make-thing [k* v*] ...)
   (for/hash ([k (in-list '(k* ...))]
              [v (in-list (list v* ...))])
     (values k v))))

On the upside, that’s much clearner, but on the downside it won’t have the extra behavior that I’m going to add in just a moment (extending objects and inline procedure declarations).

So we have a basic system in place. Let’s go ahead and write some quick setters/getters. These are actually really straight forward. At first, I wanted to have something where we could use un-quoted keys (which would require another macro), but that wouldn’t allow us to pass variable values. So they’re just functions. thing-get does allow for default values though, which should be helpful:

; Access a value from a thing
(define (thing-get thing key [default (void)])
    [(not (thing? thing))
     (error 'thing-get "~a is not a thing" thing)]
    [(or (not (void? default))
         (hash-has-key? (thing-data thing) key))
     (hash-ref (thing-data thing) key default)]
     (error 'thing-get "~a does not contain a value for ~a" thing 'key)]))

; Set a value in a thing
(define (thing-set! thing key val)
    [(not (thing? thing))
     (error 'thing-set! "~a is not a thing" thing)]
     (hash-set! (thing-data thing) key val)]))

Nothing much to see here, it all works just like those tests that I defined above.

The next feature I wanted to add was object extension. This is particularly important for a prototype-based system, so we wanted to get it right. Essentially, you can pass an thing as the first argument to make-thing which will copy the values from that thing to the new one before assign key/value pairs. This also lets us override values in a clean manner:

; A very simple prototype based object system
(define-syntax make-thing
  (syntax-rules ()
    ; Add a key/value pair to a thing
    [(_ [k v] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k v)
    [(_ base [k v] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing base rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k v)
    ; Create an empty thing
     (new-thing (make-hasheq))]
    ; Copy an existing thing
    [(_ base)
     (if (thing? base)
         (new-thing (hash-copy (thing-data base)))
         (error 'make-thing "~a is not a thing to extend" base))]))

Having to duplicate the code between the first two cases is suboptimal, but I’m not sure how to fix it. Because matching will assign the first pair to base if it can, I kept getting infinite loops when I tried to combine the methods.

Now we can do things like this:

> (define color (make-thing [red 0] [green 0] [blue 0]))
> (define red (make-thing color [red 255]))
> (thing-get red 'red)
> (thing-get color 'red)

That right there would be enough for what I have in mind. We have a full prototype-based system and methods to make getting/setting data easier. But there’s one more trick I have up my sleeve. Like Racket’s classes , I want to have a special syntax for calling methods. I want to be able to do this:

> (define chatterbox (make-thing [(talk name) (format "~a says hello world!" name)]))
> (thing-call chatterbox 'talk "steve")
"steve says hello world!"

Instead of things like this:

> (define chatterbox (make-thing [talk (lambda (name) (format "~a says hello world!" name))]))
> ((thing-get chatterbox 'talk) "steve")
"steve says hello world!"

Although optimally, the two methods can be used interchangeably, internally the former syntax should be converted into the latter. How do we do it? Well, add more to make-thing!

; A very simple prototype based object system
(define-syntax make-thing
  (syntax-rules ()
    ; Create an empty thing, bind a function
    [(_ [(k arg* ...) body* ...] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k
                  (lambda (arg* ...)
                    body* ...))
    [(_ base [(k arg* ...) body* ...] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing base rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k
                  (lambda (arg* ...)
                    body* ...))
    ; Add a key/value pair to a thing
    [(_ [k v] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k v)
    [(_ base [k v] rest ...)
     (let ([thing (make-thing base rest ...)])
       (hash-set! (thing-data thing) 'k v)
    ; Create an empty thing
     (new-thing (make-hasheq))]
    ; Copy an existing thing
    [(_ base)
     (if (thing? base)
         (new-thing (hash-copy (thing-data base)))
         (error 'make-thing "~a is not a thing to extend" base))]))

Finally, we have everything we want. Now we have a short form for procedures in things as an analogue to the short form of define .

And thing-call is straightforward enough:

; Call a function stored in a thing
(define (thing-call thing key . args)
    [(not (thing? thing))
     (error 'thing-call "~a is not a thing" thing)]
    [(thing-get thing key #f)
     => (lambda (f)
          (if (procedure? f)
              (apply f args)
              (error 'thing-call "~a is not a procedure in ~a, it is ~a"
                     key thing f)))]
     (error 'thing-get "~a does not contain a value for ~a" thing 'key)]))

Have I mentioned before how much I like the => form of cond?

One last note, what about define-thing? It’s a direct merge of define and make-thing.

; Combine define and make-thing
(define-syntax-rule (define-thing name arg* ...)
  (define name (make-thing arg* ...)))

Scheme macros are particularly pleasant.

That’s it. Now we have a fairly stable prototype system. Since it’s backed by a hasheq, it should be relatively quick as well.

If you’d like to download/use the code, you can do so here:

It also makes use of the recently discovered (to me) (module test+ ...) behind the scenes. It lets you write testing cases that won’t even be compiled unless you specifically need them. Read more about it here: Main and Test Submodules