Random Access Lists

This time around, Programming Praxis here (make sure you download pmatch as well).

First, we need to provide tree functions that are designed to work on complete binary trees, taking the size as an additional parameters.

; lookup an item in a balanced binary tree
(define (tree-lookup size tr i)
  (pmatch (list size tr i)
    [(,size (Leaf ,x) 0)
    [(,size (Leaf ,x) ,i)
     (error 'tree-lookup "subscript-error")]
    [(,size (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2) 0)
    [(,size (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2) ,i)
     (let ([size^ (div size 2)])
       (if (<= i size^)
           (tree-lookup size^ t1 (- i 1))
           (tree-lookup size^ t2 (- i 1 size^))))]))

; update a balanced binary tree with a new element
(define (tree-update size tr i y)
  (pmatch (list size tr i y)
    [(,size (Leaf ,x) 0 ,y) 
     `(Leaf ,y)]
    [(,size (Leaf ,x) ,i ,y) 
     (error 'tree-update "subscript error")]
    [(,size (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2) 0 ,y)
     `(Node ,y ,t1 ,t2)]
    [(,size (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2) ,i ,y)
     (let ([size^ (div size 2)])
       (if (<= i size^)
           `(Node ,x ,(tree-update size^ t1 (- i 1) y) ,t2)
           `(Node ,x ,t1 ,(tree-update size^ t2 (- i 1 size^) y))))]))

With that, we have everything we need to represent the lists. A random access list will be defined as follows:

ralist := empty
       || (size tree) :: ralist

Using that definition (and Scheme’s standard empty lists for the empty ralist as well), null? is each enough to define:

(define (*null? ra)
  (null? ra))

cons is a little more interesting as we have to deal with potentially merging the first two items in the list to preserve the O(log(n)) access to the list. It’s still O(1) overall for the cons though. Here’s where the power of pattern matching really shines though.

; build a random access list
(define (*cons x xs)
  (pmatch xs
    [((,size1 ,t1) (,size2 ,t2) . ,rest)
     (if (= size1 size2)
         `((,(+ 1 size1 size2) (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2)) . ,rest)
         `((1 (Leaf ,x)) . ,xs))]
     `((1 (Leaf ,x)) . ,xs)]))

car and cdr (they were named head and tail in the original paper which really makes more sense, but I wanted to keep to the Scheme naming convention) aren’t bad at all, the only interesting part is taking the cdr of a list will split the first tree.

; return the first item in a random access list
; head in the paper
(define (*car ls)
  (pmatch ls
    [() (error '*car "empty list")]
    [((,size (Leaf ,x)) . ,rest) 
    [((,size (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2)) . ,rest)

; return all but the first item of a random access list
; tail in the paper
(define (*cdr ls)
  (pmatch ls
    [() (error '*cdr "empty list")]
    [((,size (Leaf ,x)) . ,rest) 
    [((,size (Node ,x ,t1 ,t2)) . ,rest)
     (let ([size^ (div size 2)])
       `((,size^ ,t1) (size^ ,t2) . ,rest))]))

The last functions presented in the paper are lookup and update, which have been given their Scheme names of list-ref and list-set (note: not list-set! since the update is purely functional and no mutation is occurring). Again, very straight forward.

; pull an item out of the list in O(log(n)) time
; lookup in the paper
(define (*list-ref ls i)
  (pmatch (list ls i)
    [(() ,i)
     (error '*list-ref "subscript error")]
    [(((,size ,t) . ,rest) ,i)
     (if (< i size)
         (tree-lookup size t i)
         (*list-ref rest (- i size)))]))

; return a new random access list with one specified change
; update in the paper
(define (*list-set ls i y)
  (pmatch (list ls i y)
    [(((,size ,t) . ,rest) ,i ,y)
     (if (< i size)
         `((,size ,(tree-update size t i y)) . ,rest)
         `((,size ,t) . ,(*list-set rest (- i size) y)))]))

Here are a few examples of running the code that should show you that it functions identically to Scheme’s standard list functions (except list-ref is faster!).

~ (*cons 'a '())
 ((1 (leaf a)))

~ (*car (*cons 'a 'b))

~ (*cdr (*cons 'a 'b))

~ (define *ls (*cons 'a (*cons 'b (*cons 'c (*cons 'd (*cons 'e '()))))))

~ *ls
 ((1 (leaf a)) (1 (leaf b)) (3 (node c (leaf d) (leaf e))))

~ (*car (*cdr (*cdr *ls)))

~ (*list-ref *ls 2)

~ (*list-ref *ls 4)

~ (*list-set *ls 3 'frog)
 ((1 (leaf a))
  (1 (leaf b))
  (3 (node c (leaf frog) (leaf e))))

~ (define *ls2 (*list-set *ls 3 'frog))

~ (*list-ref *ls2 3)

~ (equal? *ls *ls2)

Here’s all of the code together (don’t forget pmatch as well).