A double treat today, we made mini pizza cups and tortilla pizzas.
First, the mini pizza cups. I can’t remember where we found the idea, but it’s a brilliant one. Basically, use a muffin tin and some pizza crust to make tiny little pizzas!

It’s fun to fill them in, but there is a problem with vastly overestimating how many toppings you’re actually going to need.

I don’t think it’s even possible to overestimate how much cheese you’ll need though. 😄

All done. And aww, how sweet. They’ve really grown together over their time in the oven. (Yes, my kitchen was a bit of a mess. So it goes.)

Side view, just to show how muffin-like they look. Maybe we should have called them pizza muffins?

As a random side note, here are the pepperonis we used. Even more amusing considering how much larger these are than the mini pizzas…

The second thing we made was a few Mexican pizza style tortilla pizzas. Easy enough, just layer the pizza toppings on a tortilla shaped bit of dough.

All cooked and ready to eat. Honestly, I’m not sure which looked tastier. Or for that matter which tasted tastier. 😄